Monday, January 30, 2012

Right now...

The bane of my existence is the day to day routine.  More specifically, the day to day routine of my children.  There is a distinct challenge that faces divorced parents (well, I suppose more so if they are actually interested in  actually co-parenting their children-which fortunately, my ex husband and I are) because often, the routine is different from one house to another.  This results in the inevitable "well we don't have to do that at Dad's house" or "Dad said..." (I am sure he gets it to in reverse, but I don't see it)

We have talked them through it, written checklists, tried to explain the benefits to everyone involved if the routine is followed...and its not really getting us anywhere.  My children were just looking at me like an alien when I asked them to prep their lunches and school bags for tomorrow.  Like they had never heard of such a thing.  Avery asked me to write it all down for her, and that's when I lost it.  Because I had written it all down for her.  On the checklist.  That we created a few weeks ago.  And hung on the wall.  In plain sight.  Sigh.

I am aware that it doesn't help that I am a control freak.  I like my ducks in a row.  I like a plan.  I don't like to rush through the morning trying to remember everything we forgot to do the night before.  But I also think I am doing them a huge disservice doing everything for them, just to soothe my OCD about the situation.

So I guess I just keep flipping out.  Or rushing around.  Or make another damn checklist for myself that has a reminder to nag my kids.

Its a good thing they are cute.
Don't worry.  Those aren't their real noses.  I swear.
PS Jack is currently in the shower singing Aerosmith's Dream On at the top of his lungs.  I guess I will keep them.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

So here's an update

Me.  Still doing entirely too much, but I somehow seem to manage.  Not always well, but I manage. 

Avery: 4th grade.  Scored 3rd highest in her grade in the MCAS testing so gets to participate in a gifted and talented program.  Extremely creative.  Goes through books like water.  Sassy mouthed (not sure where that comes from), very funny, remarkably kind. 

Jack:  2nd grade.   Very smart, but doesn't like to show his work.  He wonders what the point is as long as you have the answer (hmmm, did my children inherit all my negative traits?).  Extremely athletic.  Also goes through books like water. Sassy mouthed, very funny, remarkably kind. 

This is us:

(PS, if you are amazed by this picture, and want some just like it (with your own family of course...I mean we are cute and all, but...) you should contact my nephew and  They are geniuses.  And I am not just saying that because I am related.)

More to come as we go along.  Stay tuned.  Its always interesting. 

Welcome to the new blog!

So I have written blogs in the past, and I get really excited about them for awhile, and then my enthusiasm sort of slows, and then I go look at them and want to do it again.  So we are starting anew.  Me, with Jack and Ave as guest bloggers...and hopefully we can keep it all together. 

First, if you would like to go look at the old blogs, here are the links:

They were fine blogs, but its time for a new start.  Who knows what you will find here.