Sunday, February 5, 2012

Its Super Bowl Sunday!!

Don't worry.  I will not ramble on about the Giants and the Patriots.  I am a respectful Giants fan and I am a big believer in not talking smack-but if there were a thought bubble over my head it might say something like "I hope the Giants kick Patriot ass so all those obnoxious fans will shut the hell up".  I am sure they feel the same way about Giants fans.  ANYWAY.

One of my very favorite blogs is .  Geraldine is a travel blogger, which just sounds delightful, doesn't it?  She gets to travel the world with her husband, who she actually likes (they are so cute I want to puke.  But in a good way), and she writes about it.  She did an interview for another blogger, Ms. Morphosis (see interview here: and one of the things they both mention is that blogging has helped them to identify themselves a little-the things they are writing on their blogs are real, and they lay it out there...the good, the bad and the ugly-I have been thinking a lot about that. 

I spend a lot of my life making sure that no one's feelings get hurt.  Not that I want to intentially go around and kick sand into anyone's face, but there are a lot of things that don't get said because I am afraid of the ramifications.  I don't want people to be mad at me.  I say I don't care, but truth be told, I think I care too much.  Someone I know who has read my blogs in the past said to me that one of the posts in this new blog was like reading my diary.  Maybe that's what it needs to be.

I won't kick dirt in people's faces here, but maybe what I will do is write how I feel.  Interesting concept, eh?  I know some people might come here to see pictures of the kids, and pictures of whatever garden I might attempt this summer, or see projects we are doing in the house, and there will be all that.  But I think it needs to be more.  The Everywhereist says that her blog is an open love letter to her husband-full of cuss words and cupcake references, because that's who she is.  That's who I am too.  Maybe this is my travel blog, because believe, you me.  This is one hell of a journey I am on right now. 

Oh and for all you Pats fans:
Suck it.  I hope the Giants roll all over you.  And if they don't, then I am happy to report that pitchers and catchers report in 2 weeks. 

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