Thursday, February 16, 2012

I am a couple days late with this post

But a word about Valentine's Day, please.  My usual word is loathe.  But this Valentine's Day was different.  I got a direct view of exactly what the "holiday" should be about-love and happiness. 

I volunteer once a month through the Springfield School Volunteer Program.  I am fortunate enough to work for a company that not only sponsors one of its programs, but encourages its employees to participate in it.  So once a month, I drive to the Brunton School and I read to the most adorable group of 6 year olds ever.  February 14 was the day this month, and it also happened to be the last day of the program for this school year.  I got to the classroom and it was like Valentine's Day had thrown up in there.  Remember how it was in grade school?  Hearts everywhere, bags on everyone's desk to collect cards?  Cake and candy and loads of sugary goodness?  Well this is what I saw. 

I also saw 25 smiling faces looking up at me.  "Miss Griswold!  Miss Griswold!  Last time you were here you promised to read us THREE books!  Do you remember?"  Of course I remembered.  This is one of my favorite things to do each month.  So I read 3 books, one of which was about a grumpy bunny and how he didn't like Valentine's Day.  Turns out, by the end of the book, the bunny was converted. And so was I. 

When I finished reading I said to the kids that it had been my pleasure to come there every month to read to them, and made them promise to listen to their teacher and learn a lot so they would have a really good time next year in first grade.  They all promised.  And then their teacher said "We got you a little something.  For Valentine's Day."  I can't lie.  I got a little teary.  The kids were so excited to have me open the present-a couple bags of chocolate-that I realized what the day should be about.  Being excited, and happy and wanting to make someone else happy.  Should we strive to do this every day?  Sure.  Do we always remember to?  Nope.  So what is wrong with a little holiday to remind you to do so?  Not a single thing.

So to my little friends at the Brunton School.  You taught me some lessons on this Valentine's Day.  Smile.  Be excited.  Listen to those people that are trying to teach you things. Eat chocolate.  And don't forget to tell the people that you love that you love them. 

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